3. Mobile SIP Services Become More Widely Adopted
Mobile communications aren’t new, but it’s changed dramatically in recent years, especially when considering business usage.
The deployment of 5G has allowed mobile users to take part in data-heavy forms of communication, such as video calls, and mobile apps need to adapt. For example, while SIP has focused on voice calls, it’s also a valuable component for video calls to minimize dropped packets and create a consistent experience.

Additionally, the current and future workforce will likely be increasingly mobile as employees take calls while traveling to their hotel, commuting home, or otherwise moving between cell towers. Other options, like WebRTC, struggle to connect to new towers as the caller travels. This creates delays or dropped calls even when driving a few blocks while on a call.
Fortunately, SIP services are well-equipped to switch between towers without affecting the user experience. As more and more business users need to take calls while on the go, SIP clients will continue showing their value compared to other options.
4. Edge Computing and Zero-Trust Architecture Reshape Networks
Looking more broadly at the tech landscape, it’s clear that edge computing and zero-trust architecture are significant trends informing the future of networks.
Both of these trends result from the rapid increase in cyber crimes resulting in costly data breaches, ransomware, or abuse of IT resources.
Edge computing calls for re-imagining networks by evaluating devices in relation to their proximity to the end user. The general idea is that the closer an IT asset is to an end user, the more vulnerable it is to exploitation, necessitating better monitoring and security.
Zero-trust architecture also focuses on user accounts but instead revolves around providing the least amount of access to IT resources while requiring continuous authentication as a user moves through the network. Ideally, this architecture will minimize and contain the impact of compromised user credentials.

How do these apply to SIP clients? It’s going to become increasingly vital for telecommunications to be able to accommodate these new network architectures. For example, previous perimeter-based security made authentication between internal users unnecessary.
But SIP clients need to adapt as these security-focused frameworks gain momentum. Fortunately, the protocol itself is flexible and can technically adapt. As a result, SIP client engineers are responsible for developing platforms with a security-first approach.
Cyber attacks aren’t slowing down on their own, so companies will undoubtedly continue exploring ways to bolster security. In addition, new security initiatives will shape future SIP solutions.
Stay Future-Ready with Acrobits Softphone
Choosing the right SIP softphone is vital to your organization’s future growth. The right softphone will already have the features you need and be ready to evolve as the technology landscape evolves.
Acrobits is an industry leader in providing innovative telecom solutions that have all the capabilities you need. Our team of developers and engineers stays on top of the latest trends facing SIP, so your software is always reading for the future.
Our Groundwire and Acrobits Softphone apps allow businesses to replace desk phones and future-proof their communications. Ready to get started? Sign up today or reach out to us for a demo to learn more.